Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor present...


My friends from Tuesday Quest have released their latest game on Monday!
It's a very cute Picross game, featuring the very very cute cat from Hungry Cat Mahjong.
There are an  IOS version and an Android one!

Please try it ;)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Installing, please wait...

Pingouin & Raptor have found a new place to live!
So we will soon begin to work on a new game with a friend, she's a programmer but also an incredible cook!
Here's her blog:

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Le Pingouin's Kingdom

Le Pingouin has earned his own little Kingdom!

But don't tell him, it's just a dream :)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong is out!

Yes, Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong is finally ready! Thanks a lot to Tuesday Quest for making it possible ^^
You can get it for Android devices here!

Unfortunately as it's just a reskin the game will not be available on the Google Play store. Therefore all the adds ans coins features will not work... I'm really sorry for this, but you can still get the original game Hungry Cat Mahjong ^^

Making this game was a very interesting challenge and I enjoyed working on it. Now I can start a new project :)

Monday, October 7, 2013


Pingouin & Raptor are back from South Korea and I've just finished the retakes!
It's up to Tuesday Quest now, and we will soon have a pretty little game for Android phones :)

Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong    

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong beta

I received the very first version of Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong two days ago, and I've been testing it ever since. I've got a lot of little things to improve, shift, color... for the real version but it's working quite well \o/
And Tuesday Quest and I planned our next meeting in three weeks. 
It's finally time for my holidays in South Korea!!!!!!!!!!! The raptor in me can't wait to taste every dishes :D

Monday, September 9, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong: UI Assets

Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong will soon be ready!
I sent the assets to my friends of Tuesday Quest today for a first version. Then I will have to fix all of the issues :D
I'm mostly worried about the power tiles, they're golden and might be confused with the yellow and orange regular tiles. If this is the case I would have to turn them into laquered black.
Here are some assets:
This project is not over yet...and yet I'm thinking about the katakana quiz already XD.
Stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor: Tiles (part 4)

I started making Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong tiles at lunch break more than three weeks ago.
It's finally over!
There will may be some retakes but most of it is done.


Now I have to produce all of the UI assets :D

Friday, August 30, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor: Tiles (part 3)

More Pingouin & Raptor \ ">/
And some cosplay ^^
I have now 77 tiles ready, I don't really like some of them so I'm going to make 100 and drop 10.
And just for fun :

Monday, August 26, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor: Tiles (part 2)

New tiles!
I also changed the red tile into a purple one.
49 done, 41 to go!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor: Tiles (part 1)

Time for tiles!
There are 90 different tiles to make, fortunately I can divide them into 45 pingouins and 45 raptors.
Still that's a huge lot! ^^
With Pingouin & Raptor: Katakanas, I made a lot of costumes for them therefore I already have a nice list of ideas.
For Hungry Cat Mahjong we used 3 categories of cat (kitten, young and old cat), and declined them into different colors and  costumes. And there were 4 tile colors. Here I cannot use this trick the same way. I have 2 categories of animals, so I will use 6 different tile colors. I can change the colors of the outfits, but not those of Pingouin & Raptor... Well, even though I can cheat a little on this, making the Raptor sick or angry, for example.
Here are the 24 first tiles: 

A quick mock-up:

It seems I will have to decrease the saturation of the backgrounds.

Only 66 new tiles to go!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong: Backgrounds

It took some time but I finally have all the backgrounds ready!
All are Japanese typical sceneries: 
- 2 for the menus: Mt Fuji and Tokyo tower
- I made 7 in-game backgrounds and I must chose 6 of them. 3 are very traditional, a cherry tree, a Hiroshima Torii and a little temple. The 4 others are urban: Akihabara, the Skytree, the famous 109 building and Harajuku station.

For the in-game backgrounds, I worked on a generic dark frame and I balanced the colors and brightness. I added a wave pattern on some of them. I will probably have to work on them later with the final tiles.
In the end, I didn't select the 109 building :/ Of course I can always change my mind :D

Friday, August 2, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong: Final Mock-ups

A quick update today:
I finally have all the mock-ups ready \o/

And a new background \o/

 "> ?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong: Backgounds time!

Finally it's time to make backgrounds!
There's 2 for the main menu and 6 for the in-game part.
I want to make some geek, cute and fun Japanese scenery XD
As I already mentioned, I have in mind all the issues we faced two years ago for Hungry Cat Mahjong.
Regarding backgrounds, the first pictures I made were too bright and colorful (you can see them here)
It couldn't work because the tiles needed to be enhanced for they are the main gameplay element, and they were drowned into the pictures.
In the end, a generic frame in a single hue was placed upon each picture to darken it.

This time, I try to make those pictures fit as background elements immediately. The 2 main screens are the easiest to make as I know exactly what will figure on them. Some hue changes and we're almost done! (Yes I did forget Pingouin & Raptor on the Tokyo Tower picture -_-)
But for the others... First attempt proves me that it will not be so easy, and I'll probably have to use the same trick with a generic frame on top of those pictures.

Next: more backgrounds \o/

Friday, July 26, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong, step 3

Today is HUD and in-game elements.
With the result screen and in-game tutorial I can finally make up my mind on the generic text frame: beige is fitting well.
The victory (or defeat) scroll is standing out too much, I will have to find something more neutral like a pattern or a brush stroke.

Now the HUD: 
I use the usual lacquered boxes for the pause and melt icons, and I find out that the blue background color is too similar to the fish can icon. Information must stand out and it's time to test different colors! Maybe the red background that I so hardly try to use will match?! There's something to dig there :D

Well I worked a lot on those tiles with Tuesday Quest two years ago. We had to find the right size, angle, depth and pattern (a sardine can ^^) to make the game fun to play on small screens. For Pingouin & Raptor I wanted toy-like colorful bright plastic tiles. I used one of my very first tile test to get the new version. And then I quickly draw a few different sets of Pingouin & Raptor for the mock-up.

In the end I have the whole set of screens ready, a few improvements and I will be able to start the UI assets production. 

Next: backgrounds and a lot of cute Pingouin & Raptor ^^

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pingouin & Raptor Mahjong, step 2

Now that I have some kind of artistic direction on the main menu, I can start working on the other screens.
Theme and level selection are quite easy to make: I can't move or re-size the buttons so I just change the wood boards into scrolls. Colors are different depending of the theme or the difficulty; I will stuck to those used in Hungry Cat Mahjong.
I still ponder if the scroll on top of the screen (which contains only information) and the blue generic (clickable) buttons are too similar and therefore might confuse the player, both are wood boards in Hungry Cat Mahjong and it's working well, so...
Now the tutorial screen gives me more of a challenge: the big scroll in the center is re-sizable depending of the screen and used in several different cases. The red frame is quite impressive, and I like how it matches with the  background and other elements, but well, it's red...In the end I chose the beige one, more neutral.
With the "next" button I encounter the same issue than on the main menu, but this time, I obviously cannot use red for the icon. Green's working well though.
The victory/defeat screen to come will help me make up my mind! Well I certainly hope so.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hungry Cat Mahjong Reskin with Pingouin & Raptor

Not so long ago, I worked with Tuesday Quest to make their very first game on Android phones, Hungry Cat Mahjong .
Since then, we often talked about a Pingouin & Raptor game but lacked the time and resources to make it. (As I'm working a full time job and they focused their 3 next games on little greeny goblins)

The solution was to reskin one of their games, it would not need more programming, and some new game design only if they felt like it.

And so, I started to work on Pingouin & Raptor : Mahjong! A new adventure begins ^^

First step is to create some mock-ups to define a new art direction. The asian theme used in Hungry Cat Mahjong is working fine with Pingouin & Raptor and we can keep the fish (Pingouin likes them a lot ">,)

The first mock-up I made was way too serious and I tried a lot of things to make it funnier and colorful while keeping a Japanese print style. I was very inspired by Ôkami ^^ (obviously...)
For the "Play" button, I chose an asian scroll, then proposed different versions of it. Finally I've gone back to the first version with more colours and a bamboo pattern ^^
I still have doubts on the icon buttons: even thought I like how they look like laquered boxes, the red colour could be interpreted as agressive or negative. It may change with the next mock-ups to come ^^

Stay tuned!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Fruits'n Goblins!!!

Pingouin & Raptor squattent le tout dernier jeu de Tuesday Quest !
Il s'agît de Fruits'n Goblins et c'est drôlement rigolo !
(Le raptor en tout cas, s'amuse beaucoup !)

Pour jouer gratuitement sur Android, c'est par ici :

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mauvaises habitudes...

Pingouin et Raptor sont de retour après une longue absence. En attendant de commencer les hiraganas, le pingouin dévoile un terrible secret...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Un touuuuuuuuuuuuuuut petit pingouin s'est encore invité dans mes fichiers de travail !
"< pouw un touuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut pitit dwodwo !

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Epitanime is coming!

Pingouin & Raptor ont fait une petite présentation pour le Comptoir des P'tites Gourmandes avec qui ils vont être exposés !
C'est ce week-end !
"< nous sommes pwêts !

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Pingouin & Raptor ont bien travaillé et méritent une bonne sieste !
Tout est presque prêt pour Epitanime avec Le Comptoir des p'tites Gourmandes les 18 et 19 mai 2013 !

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Alors que les "vraies" planches de stickers Pingouin & Raptor partent en impression, le pingouin en a fabriqué quelques unes artisanalement pour ses amis !

"<  j'ai des couwbatuwes d'ailes !

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Goodies !

Pingouin & Raptor se préparent pour Epitanime !
Poster et badges sont biens arrivés ! Plus qu'à attendre les stickers !
\">/   \c°°/

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jeudi créatif

''< avec le waptou on a pwépawé une suwpwise !
Petits travaux manuels pour le départ en congé de maternité d'une collègue ^^
"< je veillewai suw le dwodwo du bébé !

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Le pingouin s'est invité dans mon dernier speedpainting !
"< le dwodwo divin !

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Petite preview avant essai d'impression pour le poster "Pingouin & Raptor apprennent les katakanas" !
"> pout !

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"< on me demande si je suis pawti en wacances, mais non je twaivaille twès séwieusement suw mon postew katakanas. Ca me pwend beaucoup de temps, mon waptow n'est toujouws pas wevenu de la stickewie, d'ailleuws il faut que j'appelle au cas où il se sewait pewdu...mais je vais d'abowd faiwe la sieste !
<" ~ ~ ~ ~

Monday, March 18, 2013

En ce moment, je joue à Persona 4 Golden sur Vita... Evidemment le pingouin n'a pas tardé à s'inviter !
"< Pewsona ! Waptow !

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"< Mon Waptou est bientôt pwêt à pawtiw en impwession !

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dernier katakanas : le N
Ainsi s'achèvent les aventures de "Pingouin & Raptor apprennent les katakanas" !
Ils auront beaucoup dormi, mangé, se seront promenés partout et auront fait de nombreuses rencontres et découvertes :)
Vous les retrouverez bientôt dans un poster récapitulatif des katakanas !

Coming soon... Pingouin & Raptor apprennent les hiraganas !
"< encowe du twavail ? Je vais aller faiwe un maxi-dwodwo alows ! *pout*

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dernière ligne de révision !
Les "Y" et les "W"
Leçon 45... Avant-dernière leçon !
¨> ZzzzzzzzZZzzzzzz

Monday, March 11, 2013

Leçon 44 !
"< Wouuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaahhhhhh ça bwille !

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Révision des "R" !
Leçon 43 : on termine la ligne des "r"
~ ~ ~ ~ "< iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih

Friday, March 8, 2013

Aujourd'hui pas de katakana (pour cause d'oubli de clé USB à la maison -_-")
Mais une annonce : la semaine prochaine le Raptor part en impression-test de stickers !
On lui souhaite bon courage !
"< vas-y sans mwa !

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013